What is Self-Care Therapy?

Self-Care… you have probably heard this word a little too much lately. On the one hand, it’s great because it’s true - we need to care for ourselves! But it is so much more than bubble baths, skincare products, and fancy face rollers. In all honesty, I love all those things for self-care, but the things are not the point. You are the point. You are deserving of your time. You are deserving of intentional, unconditional, and loving care.

What does it feel like to read that? Do you believe it as you say it to yourself? Do you think you’re taking good care of yourself? What do you do if you’re not taking good care of yourself? How do you even take good care of yourself?

I think this is a part of mental health that we just don’t talk about enough. I think a lot of us don’t know when we are struggling. We move so fast, our lives so busy, that it can be really hard to know. Especially in this world where we are surrounded by social comparisons, pressured into a standard of productivity, and still coming to terms with the trauma of a global pandemic. It’s incredibly hard to know when you need help and even to accept when you need help.

So… how do you know when you’re depressed? How do you know how to care for yourself?

You look to your occupations.

Say to yourself: What are my most important activities and am I enjoying or even able to complete those activities?

For me, it was caring for my physical body. It sounds so simple but when I was in the depths of my depression, I had to self-talk my way into showering. I had to convince myself, will myself, bribe myself even to shower. I couldn’t explain why, but I literally felt as though I didn’t have the energy to shower. I could still smile at work, love my family, and laugh with friends. But doing things like showering or feeding myself felt incredibly daunting. Incredibly enough, I know I am not alone in that.

You can be depressed or in pain or in trauma without anyone knowing. But if you look to your occupations, you will know. And it’s okay to be struggling. It’s perfectly normal to struggle. But please believe me when I say that you deserve to feel good and to find joy in your occupations.

This is where Self-Care Therapy comes in. You are not alone in this. As an Occupational Therapist, my expertise is understanding the deep meaning and complexity of your occupations or your everyday, incredibly important activities. And it is also to help guide you through them.

Depression, dysregulation, trauma, pain… they all affect us and are unavoidable in life. That’s why these simple, daily self-care occupations are so important. We are here with ourselves for whatever we go through in life. Self-Care occupations are activities that care for your physical body, energy, mind, and emotions in ways that feel nurturing and healthy to you. This can include things like a full night’s sleep, a rejuvenating shower, a delicious meal, a calming yoga class, an easeful day at work, a helpful journal entry, or a regulating therapy session.

Occupational Therapy at Sunlight Wellness focuses on your everyday activities and how you engage with them. Meditation and Mindfulness are the foundation of this therapy practice, making this space inherently safe, with non-judgment, curiosity, and gentleness. We carry these principles with us as we navigate your healing journey together through conversation, meditation, relaxation, and daily occupations. This is Self-Care therapy. This is holistic therapy designed for you.


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