The Cleanse

Jason and I recently finished a three-day cleanse for which we followed the guide from Rich Roll’s book Finding Ultra. It is a great book and I highly recommend purchasing to learn more about the capabilities of the human body, the power of the mind, the unlimited benefits of a whole foods plant based diet, and so much more. Out of respect for him I will not share the details in the cleanse in depth, but will share the products and foods eaten as well as my perception of the cleanse!

Before we get into it, I want to share my reasons for doing a cleanse because “cleansing” or “detoxing” are terms that often are attributing to toxic dieting culture. I did not do this cleanse to lose weight or get skinny quick. I know (and am continue to learn/practice) that my physical, earthly body is beautiful just how it is and my value, strength, and beauty is not determined by my reflection in a mirror, but the reflection of my soul. I decided to do a cleanse because after a few months of quarantine eating (no regrets) and after getting sick (severe dehydration) I knew my gut needed a reset.

I also needed to deeply care for my emotional health. Did you know that your GI produces 95% of your body’s Serotonin; a neurotransmitter that modulates anxiety, mood, happiness, and other cognitive functions? So that old saying is pretty accurate: you are what you eat. This cleanse helped me reset, both physically and emotionally. While it was challenging for sure, as most cleanses are, I am glad that I did it. My gut feels remarkably better and I am already starting to feel more like myself. So if you are interested in doing this same cleanse, I would recommend purchasing Finding Ultra by Rich Roll. Included in the book are also a bunch of plant based recipes, meal plans, and research on a plant based lifestyle.

The Cleanse

  • Water Flush

    • Each day began with a flush of 16 oz of body temperature water. This is something that can be done daily, along with a squeeze of lemon or ACV to alkalize your body. This is something I hope to continue as there are so many benefits to alkalizing first thing in the morning.

  • Mushroom Hot Cacao - Four Sigmatic

    • We used the mix that contains Reishi mushrooms* and I really enjoy this product. I could feel a difference in my mood after drinking it and it actually tasted pretty good. Although it is recommended to drink before bed, we had this in the morning and it didn’t make me super sleepy. Reishi mushrooms have shown to aid in sleep and stress, but there have been limited studies on humans to support these benefits**. The protocol recommends the mix with Cordyceps, which promote oxygen utilization and endurance. We made the decision to go with Reishi as our focus was more on mental health support.

    • “My favorite brand is the Four Sigmatic because their products are sustainably sourced and processed via dual extraction to ensure optimal nutrient bioavailability of the nutrients.” - Finding Ultra

  • Healing Detox Stew (pictured above)

    • Loaded with healthy, immune boosting foods targeted at resetting the gut. The stew included beets, carrots, kale, celery, fennel, lentils, turmeric, ginger, garlic, lemon, and seaweed. All with their own health benefits. I thought the stew was good, for cleansing standards, but it isn’t something I would make outside of the cleanse!

  • Mushroom Broth

    • The mushroom broth that was recommended included Reishi & Chaga mushrooms (both adaptogenic varieties that work to maintain systemic balance throughout the cleanse). Unfortunately, we could not find these mushrooms - even from the mushroom guy at the Farmer’s Market. So we found these packets from Om Mighty instead. The contained more nutrients and protein than the recommended recipe, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

  • Green Clean Juice (pictured above)

    • This is the kinda juice that tastes healthy, if you know what I mean. Loaded with kale, cilantro, lemon, ginger, coconut water, and sometimes chlorella powder. I admittedly had to play “power hour” and force myself to drink every minute… lol. We do not have a juicer, so we blended this in the Vitamix with no difficulty.

    • Chlorella Powder: High in chlorophyll, amino acids and essential fatty acids, chlorella is considered to be one of the most nutritious and potent foods on the planet. Chlorella has a wide range of benefits including boosting the immune system, protecting against dementia, improving endurance capacity, and fighting cancer and other diseases. Chlorella is also one of the few plant sources for Vitamin B-12, which is a common deficiency for vegans, vegetarians, and even omnivores.*** I personally did not enjoy the taste when mixed with water, although Jason didn’t mind it. It was less detectable when included in the green juice and I will continue adding this superfood to my own juices!

  • Triphala Tea

    • I was pretty impressed with this, and something that I am going to continue doing daily! The powder was added to a cup of hot water and sipped on before bed. “A powerful and versatile herbal concoction originating from Ayurveda, an ancient Indian form of medicine premised on balancing mind and body, Triphala is comprised of three Indian fruits: amalaki, a gooseberry high in vitamin C and effective in lowering cholesterol; haritaki, a calming anti-inflammmatory with positive brain and heart effects; and bibhitaki, a rejuvenating and detoxifying fruit. Together, they encourage optimal digestion and elimination without stripping the body of essential nutrients.” - Finding Ultra

    • I really noticed a difference with my digestion and would recommend this to everyone. After the cleanse, I have been adding a bit of honey to improve the taste!


Those are the nuts and bolts of the cleanse from Finding Ultra, which I recommend for anyone interested in resetting their gut and in turn emotional wellbeing. I have done a few different juice-based cleanses in the past, but none of them have been as successful or made a noticeable difference like this one. Another aspect to this cleanse that I really enjoyed is that it focused on mental health. It encouraged meditation, journaling, and limited screen time. It truly was a full body cleanse. Let me know if you end up doing this cleanse and leave any questions in the comments below!

*All products I used have been linked! Click on the underlined text to be directed to the product’s Amazon page.




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