5 Tips for a Daily Meditation Practice


Meditation Monday | September 13, 2021

Do I meditate every day? Not yet. But I am trying really hard to. And I have noticed that a few things help me be more consistent in this practice. I think these tips relate to the journey of establishing healthy habits, so even if you already have a daily meditation practice, I hope this serves as a good reminder for you. Please leave a comment if you found this helpful or if you have other tips to share! If you live in Washington state and would like more 1:1 assistance with creating a daily meditation practice or are searching for a deeper meditation experience, contact me to learn more or schedule a session!

  1. Be Patient with Yourself.

    You do not have to show up perfectly to find success or deeply love yourself. Showing up, as often as you can, is an amazing way to love yourself. And giving yourself patience and grace on the days you do not show up, is a way to be gently loving with yourself. The wonderful thing about Meditation is that it is a practice of patience, non-judgment, and continuing to show up. It is a practice of continuing to come back to your breath, as often as it takes and with as much acceptance and non-judgment you can muster. That, my friends, has ripple effects.

  2. Create a Routine.

    Placing meditation in my morning routine has helped my consistency the most. For some, this step is harder than for others but start with breaking down your daily routines and your goals. When I did this, I had a goal of meditating in the morning so I could start my day with calm energy and a regulated nervous system. I also knew that I needed to get out of bed and do something to wake me up before I meditated. The next thing I needed leads us to our next tip…

  3. Build In Rewards

    Build-in rewards for yourself by using your sensory system to create a supportive environment. My reward? Getting back in bed. This might not be good for some of us, but it works like magic for me. I get out of bed in the morning and go to the bathroom, turn on the essential oil diffusor, brush my teeth, wash my face, and do a little stretch. Then my puppy girl joins me while I crawl back into bed and sit upright with the headboard to support a straight spine. I pull the still-warm duvet over my legs and connect with my breath. I find my sensory system to be relatively more sensitive in the morning, so I focus on things that will calm my auditory, olfactory, and tactile senses. I use essential oils and gentle touch with my skincare routine to help build my energy. I use noise-canceling headphones for my meditation and to play calming or energizing music. I stay in my warm and comfy pajamas and the warmth and comfort from my bed for my tactile system. I also turn the lights on to support my energy shift into the day. Now, this can look different for everyone, so think about the things that make you feel good and try that!

  4. Have a Go-To Platform

    This is such an important tip because to create a daily healthy habit, it has to be easy for me. I use the Calm app which has Daily Meditations as well as a few options for series you can complete. It even has check-ins that can help track your mood and supporting a journaling goal! It would be too hard and take too much time to look up a new meditation every morning, so not having to think about it is a great way to ensure it will get done.

  5. Track Your Progress

    Another thing I love about using the Calm app is that it automatically keeps track of the days you meditate. I find this the most helpful on days where I am feeling discouraged about my progress or if I missed a day. Looking back on how far you have come, on all the times you chose to meditate for yourself; it helps. And it keeps you on track with tip #1: be patient with yourself.

I hope this was helpful for you! I wish you luck on your journey with meditation and know that whatever you do - even if it is three deep breaths before you start your work day - you are choosing yourself. And that is amazing. Please let me know in the comments if you have any questions or need support!


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